Is Inflammation the Cause of Everything?

The term inflammation is so misleading. If we were truly inflamed then ibuprofen and antibiotics would actually get rid of 90% of our problems and we’d be done with the problem after a 5-10 day course.

Don’t get me wrong there are true forms of inflammation - acute injury, fever, infection, gout arthritis are a few of the most common signs of actual heat and inflammation.

More often than not, it’s not inflammation in the body that’s causing pain, night sweats, digestive upset… (name 20 internal medicine conditions we assign to inflammation.)

In my opinion, the most common causes of pain and these conditions is lack of nourishment and heat.

Even folks who "run hot" find comfort on a warm massage table, in a hot shower, eating warming foods, and a warm embrace.

But how in our over nourished culture and bodies could we possibly have conditions that are based in undernourishment?

In my opinion, undernourishment happens when we’ve been over compartmentalizing and cutting ourselves off from our wholeness.

With pain this can be really obvious - like if we shift our posture or stop carrying a heavy bag on one side of our body, many times our pain goes away because nourishment returns to an area.

When it comes to our inner workings, our mental-emotional well being, our families and communities can we apply the same concept?:

Warmth and interconnectedness as the solution to much of our suffering…


Are You Living in a Self Care Prison?