Classes and
Special Events

Strengthen your body, be empowered in your healing and enjoy being in a supportive and fun community.


 “My body feels like it has had a "tune-up" when I'm done. Win-win for mind and body!


While my household is still very still and quiet and I am in the pleasant afterglow following your yoga class, I want to take a few minutes to say how much I appreciate both you and your yoga classes. 

You embody the child-like joy you talk about!  I just love how you roll with any of the potential snafus thrown at you sometimes during your classes.  Wish that I could have had such fun reactions to technical zoom glitches that come up during my work week. Going forward I am going to endeavor to do so. Laughing about them vs stressing out about them is a perfect re-frame. :)




What’s Coming Up Next



1000 Hands Buddha
Qi Gong Class
Sun, Sept 22, 12-1pm

Practice a heart-centered form that helps clear toxic emotions. Includes an invigorating self massage form. Offered at The Ravens Wing in Sellwood.

Laura Goff giving a talk

Deep Dive Into
Hormones Talk
Thurs, Sept 26, 7-9pm

A naturopath, a nurse practitioner, a therapist and Laura talk about hormones and the transition into menopause

Custom Community
and Individual
Healing Experiences

We bring ceremony, celebration, calm and joy to the healing experiences we co-create through Acupuncture, Qi Gong, Yoga, Aromatherapy and more.

  • Beacon Yoga & Self Care Class Replay Library

    Access to yoga and self care tools class replays for your specific health concerns.

  • Qi Gong Retreat

    Retreats and Adventures

    Often the biggest transformations happen when we are completely removed for our day to day lives and immerse ourselves in nature, community and learning

  • Self-Care Courses

    Self-lead clases that provide simple practices and tools to empower you to heal yourself

  • Sellwood Community House Fall Craft Fair

    Special Events

    Workshops, art openings, craft fairs, group healing ceremonies… We love to celebrate and heal our community.


Laura Goff, LAc, RYT200

As a healer and teacher, Laura sees patients and students finding relief and healing when new habits, rituals and patterns are created and practiced that address and heal the root of the pain or dis-ease. 

Teaching people how to create new patterns and build the structures and rhythm to support their practice is what Laura is passionate about.  Laura’s multi-disciplined approach creates many “aha” moments that make the practice of healing oneself fun, curious, inspiring and celebratory.

Laura Goff



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