What Makes a Workplace Well

I was at the hair stylist the other day and noticed that there were plants at each station. It just so happened that almost all of them were struggling to thrive.

I know enough about Feng Shui to know that the plants not thriving were bad news.

We talked about the importance of the plants:

  • They make the place feel alive. 

  • They clean the air. 

  • And, if you pay attention to the shape, they can send out different vibes. (round = abundance/prosperity, sharp and pointy = protection)

Also, if you don’t have plants, you can have fake healthy looking plants or art work that have the vibe you want.

Dead plants in the space = not alive or thriving, not fresh, and opposite vibes of prosperity and protection or whatever the vibes are that you want..

It’s true these simple recommendations can transform your space and are important for a healthy workspace. You know what else is in your space that is alive?

You and all your wonderful coworkers, employees, employers, teammates, clients.

It’s time to start paying attention to what is or isn’t living and thriving in your space.  Because a burned out, ghosting, quiet quitting employee, manager, CEO or client is the opposite of fresh air and an indicator that something’s not in alignment.

Similar to plants we need to think about how we can breathe fresh life into their environment and routines.

While it can be as simple as hydration, food, natural light, moving them out from under the blowing HVAC duct. It will take more consideration. 

What is the shape and function of their roles? What is the habitat they’ll thrive in? How are you listening or seeing their needs? Are you giving the same sensitivity and awareness to yourself as you are to others?

Bringing my services to health care and therapy clinics to offer preventative medicine to patients needs to start with the people who provide services and be considerate of the environment that they work in and not simply where they offer the services. 

If the team is not thriving and the space feels unhealthy, clinics and providers will have a challenging time delivering transformative care to their patients.

Ready to breathe fresh air into your team and for your clients? Let’s talk.

I’m now offering a Healthy Workplace Audit, complete with suggestions to improve quality of life for staff, clients/patients and a plan to implement recommendations so that the patient/client care you give is in alignment with how fabulous it feels to work where you do and offer your amazing services.

photo by Misha Cohen Photo


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